About Us – We come from a place where time management and outcome are essential

Decades in the proving grounds in the event industry

IF the event industry has told us anything, it is this……”The show must go on “.

We have honed our ITC skills at the coal face of the event industry, which by it’s very nature is time sensitive and carry great responsible for a clients reputation in front of their chosen audience. We have taken on that responsibility for high end clients world-wide and know bring those talents and drive for perfection to this new world of home based business and employment.

Focusing on the small home based business own or employee, we strive to bring the highest level of customer service and support we delivered within the event industry, delivered to you at home.

Pivoting in a new paradigm – How quickly things change

So suddenly we found ourselves working from home and we are being asked to download Zoom, backup your computer and connect to the cloud meanwhile organising your office/house and get the kids to school.

At clever IT Support , we thought it would be smart to focus on the simple stuff and help you connect to the amazing tools readily available to sole traders and small businesses and employees working from home today.

We can help you put in place simple tools and strategies to increase your workflow, reduce time wasted and improve communication for everyone.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help

Technology was meant to make life easier right? Let us get it working for you